Further to my earlier post, we participate in creating our life and our self along with God but also as God.
I believe in God, but not in a God. God is not a singular being or person. God is not separate from you. You cannot anthropomorphize God or else you can hate “him,” or blame “him,” or disagree with “him,” or question “him.” God is not a him. God is not a her. God is everything.
God is part of you. God is within you. You are part of God. We are all part of God. Plant energy is part of God. Animals are part of God. The Earth as a whole has an energy that is part of God. All of the love and energy in the next world is part of God. All of the love from all of the spirits and angels is part of God. The love and energy in the next world becomes more pure as it evolves. At the top of the figurative pyramid the love is the purest, and it flows out and back down and around into the bottom and sides and up again. Like magnetic lines of flux travel from one pole to the other, God is the love that fluxes through our worlds, and in the process, through ourselves, nourishing us.
Picture a molecule of water and follow it as it travels Earth. From a watering hole into an animal. Out of the animal and back onto the ground. Evaporated into the sky. Down to the earth as rain. Into the ground again. Flowing into an underground spring. Up into the roots of a tree. Through the trunk into a leaf. Down to the ground in autumn. Evaporated into the sky. Travel in a cloud to another land. Down as snow. Melted into a river. Into and out of a fish. The river into a reservoir. Reservoir into our tap water. Into our ice cube trays. Into our strawberry banana smoothie. All the while nourishing everything it passes through.
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What would this world be without water? Well, what would our worlds be without love?
God is the sum total of all the love and good energy that make up this world. We are part of this world. We are part of God, and God is part of us.
It’s all good. God is good. God is love. Love is what makes the world go around.
I love the metaphor of the molecule of water. That analogy shows not only how God works through us all, but also how we’re ever connected to one another through that constant merging. It’s also a good analysis of Change. Change is the only constant, and if we don’t go with the flow, we’ll become stagnant. Excellent food for thought.
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